A recent series of Covid-based cancellations gave us the time to visit Binalong Bay for a few days.
Only an 80 Minute drive to Binalong Bay
I don’t know why we don’t jump in the car for a drive to the Bay of Fires beaches more often. But then, I guess it’s easy to become too busy with the day-to-day tasks! And, of course, it’s not like it’s a boring, or difficult drive from Tin Dragon Cottages via the A3 and Derby to St Helens and Binalong bay. 🙂
North East Tassie beaches are good in all weather
No matter what the weather, you can always feel uplifted by a walk along the beach!
Uncrowded, natural beaches
In Tasmania, we are lucky that our natural beaches have not been over-developed. So, we can still enjoy the natural foreshore sand dunes–even this close to the town of Binalong Bay.
A swim and a BBQ
We were so lucky with the weather. Because, apart from the first day, the mornings were perfect for swimming. The surf was mild and not good for boogie boarding, but the ocean was ever so floaty. (That’s boomer-speak for you could just float on your back and enjoy the gentle up and down of the waves, while watching the blue sky above.)
Perhaps, I didn’t mention that we stayed for nearly a week? You see, if you live long enough in Tasmania, then you either own, or know someone who owns, a beach shack. In our case we are extraordinarily lucky to have family friends who still own a beach shack. The association between our two families goes back to the 1950’s when the land was puchased.