To assist tourists in their pursuit of responsible travel, we have put in place eco-friendly practices to address the challenges of pollution, biodiversity loss and climate change. Furthermore, we strive to support our local community and economy.
Of course, you can play your part too. Read our ten tips for responsible travel.
Eco-friendly Accommodation

Sustainable Tourism Approach
By planting thousands of (mostly) endemic native trees and grasses, and producing more renewable energy than we use, we are striving to be carbon-negative. By the way, recent research has shown that Tasmania is one of the first jurisdictions in the world to be carbon-negative!
Building with Local Materials
In-line with the ethic of responsible travel, we wanted to use as many local materials as possible in the construction of our eco-friendly accommodation. So we engaged local timber-man, Malcolm to fell and mill all the timber on site. Malcolm was probably the last “bullocky” operating in Tasmania. To minimise damage to the property he used his bullock team to collect the timber.
Malcolm also harvested decades-old pine trees growing in the paddocks. This fine timber was then used by a local cabinet-maker to craft all the doors, double-glazed window frames and kitchen cabinets. Finally, we sourced stone from Mount Victoria for a local stone mason to build our three spa cottages.
Renewable Energy & Waste Reduction
Sustainable Power
All Tin Dragon Cottage’s power is generated on site using a 4.7kW micro-hydro system, 17.5kW of solar PV and 27kWh battery storage. Hence Tin Dragon Cottages can operate independently of the grid. However, the sustainable power system still retains the security of grid-connection as a final back-up. In Addition, daily excess power is exported into the grid.
Less land-Fill Waste
We encourage our guests to recycle and compost their waste. We also provide packaging-free eco-friendly toiletries. Because of these few small changes about 2,700 kg of waste doesn’t go to local land-fill each year. The compost is great for our small vegetable garden, too!
Water Conservation & Recycling
Graham built the cottages and sheds with steep rooves to enable the collection of clean rainwater. Why a steep roof? Ask us next time you visit. An electric pump moves all the water to storage tanks above the cottages. Consequently water is gravity-fed to each cottage.
A three-stage enviro-cycle system treats waste water on site to irrigate paddocks below the cottages. As a result all the grey water produced by the cottages is recycled.
Land for Wildlife
What do we love most about living at Tin dragon Cottages? Well it’s hard to choose between fresh air, seclusion, native bush, farm, and river. But the native wildlife has a special place in our hearts. Native wildlife can be big part of your responsible travel experience.
This short slide show celebrates our “Land for Wildlife” eco-friendly status.
We hope when you stay with us, you will enjoy an encounter with the native locals, too!
We Support our Local Community
Tin Dragon Trail Cottages is a small family-owned and run eco-friendly business. The profit from this business provides the sole income for our family (Christine, Graham and James). The business income also supports our housekeeper, regular garden and maintenance contractors and local artists. furthermore, we avoid using overseas-owned online travel agents (such as because we object to tax-free commissions leaving our community.
We Believe in Slow Travel
Perhaps it is because we are older, or perhaps it is the experience of a world pandemic? But we feel it is time to slow down. We encourage our guests to plan their precious holiday so they can stay in one region or town longer.
Responsible travel should be a more immersive experience.
In fact, we have introduced cheaper tariffs for longer stays as an incentive. We have also introduced multi-day small-group travel packages. Australian tour companies, including Horizon Guides and Style Lab Photography Workshop have collaborated with us.
Art Retreats
But what better way to connect with our region and culture, than a creative retreat holiday? The Tin Dragon Art Experience is a small scale, utterly unique, carbon-negative experience. We offer comfortable, river-front accommodation, meals featuring local produce, hosted transport and touring elements for full immersion in place and nature with hands-on art tuition. Our guests will experience the beauty of our region through the eyes of local Tasmanian artists.