Embark on a culinary adventure with our Spicy Ginger Biscuits recipe, where the warmth of ginger meets the fiery kick of spices, creating an irresistible fusion of flavours!
John Gibb’s Final Seascapes Art Retreat
This was John’s final multi-day art retreat! Due to health concerns and other committments, John has decided to call it a day on art-retreat teaching. Two late-cancellations, meant that Tin Dragon Cottages didn’t achieve our minimum six registrations needed for a viable retreat. However, because this was John’s final teaching commitment, we decided to go […]
How to Make Biochar at Home
Christina Giudici demonstrated how easy it is to make your own biochar. She demonstrated the use of a low-tech low-cost method for making biochar in a pit kiln using prunings and fallen branches from around our property.
Richard Klekociuk’s Coloured Pencil Art Retreat
Richard Klekociuk, a renowned artist and tutor, conducted a coloured pencil art retreat in March this year at Tin Dragon Cottages in Tasmania. The retreat, provided participants with a unique opportunity to learn and improve their skills in coloured pencil art. All our art students commented about how much they had learnt – and how much they enjoyed the coloured pencils retreat. Thank you Richard!
John Gibb Seascapes Art Retreat
November 2022: John Gibb lead an acrylic seascapes art retreat at Tin Dragon Cottages. As part of the retreat, the art students immersed themselves in the beauty of the Bay of Fires. This developed a better appreciation for their seascapes subject. On the final day there were smiles all round, as students proudly showed off their near-to-complete works of art!